When Should You Service or Replace Your Brakes?

It's important to pay attention to the condition of your brakes as they are one of the most critical components of your car's safety system. Learn how to tell when it's time for service or replacement.

When Should You Service or Replace Your Brakes?

It's important to pay attention to the condition of your brakes, as they are one of the most critical components of your car's safety system. If you neglect them, you may be at risk of costly repairs and even accidents. There are several signs that indicate when it's time to service or replace your brakes, such as a brake pedal that feels “muddy” or doesn't respond when braking, a brake warning light that comes on, squeaks, vibrations, long braking times, or thin brake pads. For convenient and efficient brake maintenance, consider On the Go Oil Change Summerville SC.

On average, brake pads need to be changed every 25,000 to 65,000 miles, while rotors generally need to be changed between 30,000 and 70,000 miles. If you recognize any of these signs, it's important to take your car to a trusted mechanic right away. They will inspect and repair your car to prevent further damage to tires, brakes, and other critical system components. It's also possible that debris has built up in the brake fluid, so you should rinse and replace it. When it comes to understanding when brake pads need to be replaced, it's important to keep in mind that if your car measures the brake service needed by mileage, it may not be accurate.

If you drive long distances with a minimum of stops, your brakes will wear out less than in the city, where traffic and traffic lights cause frequent and heavy stops. If you rely heavily on brakes, keep an eye on their wear as you may need service before the warning system warns you. If you let your brake pads continue to sharpen, you'll be at risk of much more damage and increased repair costs. This is why it's important to address any signs of brake problems promptly. Ultimately, if you pay attention to the condition of your brakes and address any issues as soon as they arise, you can prevent further damage and costly repairs.