Can wheel bearings be inspected?

At the first sign of problems with wheel bearings or any other problem with the wheels, brakes, axles, or tires, you should have your car inspected as soon as possible. You should also make sure that your wheel bearings are inspected and maintained as part of your regular maintenance routine.

Can wheel bearings be inspected?

At the first sign of problems with wheel bearings or any other problem with the wheels, brakes, axles, or tires, you should have your car inspected as soon as possible. You should also make sure that your wheel bearings are inspected and maintained as part of your regular maintenance routine. Look for and repair problematic wheel bearings during regular maintenance. Wheel bearings must be well adjusted and operate with clean lubricant; otherwise, you can expect an increase in costs in the event of a breakdown.

Bearings should also be inspected periodically to check for wear and whenever you or your driver find any telltale signs. Below, we outline some clues to detect problems with wheel bearings before they become really expensive.